Wisconsin environmental policy act: annual report - A 293, 972; S 268, 762
veterans affairs, council on Veterans affairs, Council on
Report - A 321; S 294
workforce development, department of Workforce development, Department of
Business closings or mass layoffs: annual report - A 109, 617; S 95, 477
JTPA service delivery areas - A 110, 789; S 111, 518
W-2 mentoring guidelines - A 958, 987
WC fraud - A 422; S 332
Wisconsin environmental policy act: annual report - A 293
workforce excellence, council on Workforce excellence, Council on
Annual report - A 788; S 527
resignations Resignations
Adelman, Lynn: resigned effective 12/29/97. Represented 28th Senate district. (Appointed U.S. district judge for the eastern district of Wisconsin.)
 - S 381
Brancel, Ben: resigned effective 11/2/97. Represented 42nd Assembly district. (Appointed Secretary of Wisconsin Department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection) - A 381
Hanson, Doris: resigned effective 5/12/98. Represented 48th Assembly district. (Appointed to TEACH board.) - A 891
Kunicki, Walter J.: resigned effective 6/19/98. Represented 8th Assembly district. - A 947
Lazich, Mary A.: resigned effective 4/20/98. Represented 84th Assembly district. (Elected to 28th Senate district in 4/7/98 special election.) - A 812
Linton, Barbara J.: resigned effective 7/31/98. Represented 74th Assembly district. - A 956
Potter, Calvin: resigned effective 6/8/98. Represented 9th Senate district. (Appointed assistant state superintendent of the Division of libraries and community learning) - S 732
Rutkowski, James A.: resigned effective 12/7/97. Represented 82nd Assembly district. (Appointed commissioner to the Wisconsin Labor and industry review commission.) - A 449
Weeden, Timothy L.: resigned effective 12/4/98. Represented 15th Senate district - S 804
roessler, carol a Roessler, Carol A.
Name changed from Carol A. Buettner effective 4/28/97 - S 141
rules _ assembly Rules — Assembly
Assembly rules revised [Assembly rules 6 (1)(k), 9 (1), (7), 10, 13 (1)(am), (1)(c), 26 (6), 28, 29 (3), 31 (8) to (13), 32 (1)(a), 43 (2), 73 (2)(a), (3)(a), 90, 95 (6), (82), (90), 96]
(offered)A 2
(adopted)A 22
Bill to increase tax rate or fee: approval of two-thirds of the Assembly required; exceptions provided [Assembly rule 76 (1m)]
(offered)A 158
(failed to adopt pursuant to SJR-1)A 786
News media operated or owned by lobbying principal: admission to assembly floor revised [Assembly rule 25 (3)]
(offered)A 311
(failed to adopt pursuant to SJR-1)A 786
Party caucus meetings open to the public [Assembly rule 2 (5)]
(offered)A 51
(failed to adopt pursuant to SJR-1)A 786
rules _ joint Rules — Joint
Bill to increase tax rate or fee: two-thirds approval required; exceptions provided [Joint rule 15]
(offered)A 160
(failed to adopt pursuant to SJR-1)A 786
Bills creating a state symbol must also remove an existing symbol
[Joint rule 61]
(offered)S 63
(failed to adopt pursuant to SJR-1)S 575
Joint rules revised [Joint rules 14, 32 (1)(intro.) and (i), (2), 34, 35, 41 (3)(a) to (g), 42 (2), 44 (title), (1) and (2) (a), 45 (2) and (3), 46 (2) and (4), 48 (1) and (4), 52 (1)(intro.), (b) and (e), (1)(a) and (7), 53 (1)(intro.) and (2)(a), 54 (2) and (3), 56 (1), 59, chapter 7 (title), 62, 63, 64 (title) and (1)(intro.), 65, 66, 71, 72, 73 (1) to (5), (6), 74 (1) and (2)(intro.) and (f), 75 (1), 76, 77 (intro.) and (4), (5) and (6), 78, 79 (1) and (5), 81 (1)(intro.) and (2)(c), 83 (2)(c), 84 (1), (85, 87 (3)(c) 1. and 2. and 98 (1), (2)(b) and (3)]
(offered)A 2
(adopted)A 2
(offered)S 24
(concurred in) - S 49
LRB drafting services: state agencies' privilege removed [Joint rule 51 (2)]
(offered)A 51
(failed to adopt pursuant to SJR-1)A 786
rules _ senate Rules — Senate
Senate rules revised [Senate rules 24, 41 (1) (e), 50 (1)]
(offered)S 2
(adopted)S 2
ruling of the chair _ assembly Ruling of the chair — Assembly
AB-421, motion to suspend Assembly rules 15 (1)(a) and 15 (5) and withdraw from committee out of order under s.13.50 (6), Wis.Stats.
(taken under advisement) - A 411
(ruled well taken: Assembly does not have authority to suspend statutes when points of order are made) - A 494
AB-441, motion to withdraw and rerefer to committee ruled well taken: 2/3 vote not required because 21-day period was based on revival date re SJR-47 - A 852
AB-463 must be referred to JCF under s.13.093, Wis.Stats. (Ruled not well taken because the proposal does not have to be referred to JCF before action in either house) - A 427
AB-768 (A.Amdt.25 to A.Sub.Amdt.1), not properly before Assembly under s.13.50 (6)(b), Wis.Stats.
(taken under advisement) - A 873
(ruled well taken: Assembly does not have authority to suspend statutes when points of order are made) - A 877
Ap8 SB-2 (A.Sub.Amdt.1), not germane under Assembly rule 54 (3)(f). (ruled not well taken) - A 910
SJR-47: A.Amdt.1 not germane under Assembly rule 93 (1). (Ruled well taken because it expands the scope of extraordinary session) - A 803
rutkowski, james a Rutkowski, James A.
Resigned effective 12/7/97. Represented 82nd Assembly district. (Appointed commissioner to the Wisconsin Labor and industry review commission.)
 - A 449
seat assignments Seat assignments
Assembly seating assignments - A 46
Assembly seating assignments revised - A 450, 498, 801
secretary of state _ communication to assembly Secretary of state — Communication to Assembly
Constitutional amendments eligible for 2nd consideration - A 9
secretary of state _ communication to senate Secretary of state — Communication to Senate
Constitutional amendments eligible for 2nd consideration - S 2
sergeant_at_arms _ assembly Sergeant-at-arms — Assembly
Kelly, Steve: appointed assistant sergeant-at-arms - A 9
Reappointed - A 490
Scocos, John: elected - A 8
Resignation - A 380
Solie, Denise: elected - A 489
sergeant_at_arms _ senate Sergeant-at-arms — Senate
Hochkammer, Jon H.: elected - S 2
speaker of the assembly Speaker of the Assembly
Brancel, Ben: elected - A 6
Resigned effective 11/2/97 (Appointed Secretary of Wisconsin Department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection) - A 381
Jensen, Scott R.: elected - A 382
speaker pro tempore of the assembly Speaker pro tempore of the Assembly
Freese, Stephen: elected - A 8